Jack Geca

  • Member since June 15, 2022
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Every business relies on data and information. I can gather any type of data (text, image, video, etc.) for you. I can also create a bot that will automatically retrieve data from your destination and post it to your website or server. I can create bots that can perform tasks for you in the same way that a real person would. My bots will utilize artificial intelligence to decide what to do in different situations. As a result, it's on par with human labor. It might be your very own virtual robot that will never betray or abandon you. It can also work for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. My area of expertise is: - AI - NODE.JS (Artificial Intelligence) - Web scraping, crawling - RPA (Robotic Process Automation) - Browser automation - Data manipulations - Python, Scrapy, Regex, and Selenium custom chatbots for any platform - Puppeteer - Puppeteer - Puppeteer - Solidity - Web3.Js

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Co Founder- CTO

  • Chainlink
  • June 22, 2018 - May 4, 2022

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