Adam O

  • Member since June 15, 2022
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I am based in the state of California. I've worked on a number of DeFi and Dapps based on the Ethereum Blockchain, and I have considerable 5+ years of expertise building and writing Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contracts. I am a Tokenomics expert who has also produced several whitepapers. I have also utilized Web3 to integrate multiple Smart contracts from various blockchains into frontend designs. I've been using web3 for at least two years. I'm also a specialist with the Tron Blockchain, having created multiple smart contracts as well as Defi and Dapps on the Tron Network. I've created multiple Defi and Dapps and written over 100 smart contracts using Binance Chain/Binance Smart Chain. Uniswap, Sushiswap, Swapping tokens, Staking, Yield Farming, and Lottery Smart Contracts are among of my specialties.

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